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« O is for O. Henry | Main | Scott's Pumpkin Patch »

Thursday, October 27, 2011


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Jane Mitchell

Hope this crew doesn't come Trick or Treating at my door.

Janis of So Cal

Fun event! I kind of like the lumpy creature on the far Left! Two pre-schoolers wandered all the way up to my front walk this morning, their mom was on her way to the store with them when they decided to get a better look at the Jack-O-Lantern in my window and Peanuts Linus and Snoopy on the porch.
She kept calling them from the sidewalk while they were not listening at all...was it wrong that I hid behind the open front door and made a very spooky "Wwhhooooooooooo" at them to send them flying back to her ? ;) I love Halloween!

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