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« Masquerade Ball | Main | Percy Inn: Dead and Breakfast »

Sunday, October 30, 2011


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Thanks to my ever vigilant friends who caught the typo in today's post. Lore, now lure! Correction made. If you already read the error, please forgive! If you are just now reading, we're telling on ourselves. Mr. GDP catches these things-- when he gets around to reading before we publish. Today, he was a trail bike riding so I was left to the mercy of our diligent readers.

Janis, "Mrs. GDP"

P.S. Ai Cemetery will actually be featured on Tuesday, not Monday as stated above.


Oh, I do love country churches... I so enjoy attending worship services in them... you can 'feel' the saints of times past in the pews and reverberating sounds of voices lifted to God... Love your original post too.


the new roof should be on by the first of the year if you want to take more pics just come on by...i am one of the carpenters working on the foundation

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