Every neighborhood deserves a proper entrance. Westerwood has just stepped up their identity with this new signage installed at the round-about near Benjamin Parkway, across from the park and under the big, old oak tree. The rounded sign consists of brick, stone, metal, and plaster. This neighborhoood, a mere .384 square miles with a population of 1,241, is one of Greensboro's oldest. It is well maintained and well established, has charming granite curbs, narrow tree-lined streets and plenty of architectural variety. The two spikes in demographics are for residents in their early 20's and 50's. College graduates and those with advanced degrees in this neighborhood are well above Greensboro's average. The neighborhood is known for its visual and performing artists. In early October, artists host an "art and sole" walking tour open to the public. The event is a great way to get to know the neighborhood and to commence your holiday buying with local and handmade purchases (more here). We usually start our shopping at the Fairies' Nest located in Westerwood.
Here is a house and a church in the neighborhood that we featured last year. This is a neighborhood with impromptu concerts, dog walks, music lessons, artists studios, and fun. Having front porches and houses close together help with neighborliness. How does your neighborhood rate on the neighborliness scale? Is there anything you personally could do to enhance its livability? Remember, change can start with one!
This neighborhood has a Facebook site for the "art and sole" walking tour: https://www.facebook.com/westerwoodartandsole?sk=wall
This is a good way to get up-to-date news!
Posted by: Katja Brown | Thursday, September 15, 2011 at 06:21 AM