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« K is for Kinard, Lee Kinard | Main | Golden Antiques in Summerfield »

Thursday, September 29, 2011


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Wuhoo! Well done to the both of you. I like the way you are approaching the memes. I found the memes becoming repetitive, and so withdrew. However, if I may piggyback onto your subsetting of memes, I might just tempt myself back into the pool.

All the best for the next 1,000 posts.


Ah, here are the faces behind the names! Shalom Dave and Janis.
Thanks for all the work you have put into this blog. We have learned and enjoyed so much.
Good luck with your next thousand posts.


My warmest congratulations! You write so good about advantages and lessons of Daily Photo experience. And you manage so well. Please go on!
Oh, Jan, I was sure "Jan" was man's name))). It feels so good to see you in person.

Leif Hagen

Congratulations David and Janis! Great job on your blog and 1,000 postings is a lot of work! Fun to meet you today and see your photo! Maybe MY photo is on my Eagan daily photo blog too much?
Kindest regards from Minnesota

Jane Mitchell

What can I say but "Bravo" for your positive photos and extraordinary descriptions of places, events and people in our fair city. You do us proud!

barb farr

Congratulations on 1000 posts. I will get there myself in about 64 days : )

This is a really terrific shot of the both of you. Keep up the good work with the next 1000.


Congratulations!!! You have become a regular part of my day and I love how you have elevated our town! Here's to many, many more photos!

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