Happy Labor Day! We hope you are enjoying this last hurrah of summer. Labor Day typically marks the end of summer on the east coast (even though we have a few more weeks until autumn actually begins). In North Carolina, crops, for the most part, have been harvested. People have put away their white shoes. Vacations are winding down. Retail stores are offering GREAT discounts as they transition to fall merchandise.
In Ancient Egypt, the obelisk symbolized Ra, the sun god and obelisks were said to represent a petrified ray of the sun. So, the above obelisk reminds us that even though the days are getting shorter, the sun will hover for a while and then be back in full force before we know it. If you are from Greensboro, can you guess where this obelisk is located? If not look here. Even better, look here to see a better representation of Labor Day in Greensboro.