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Saturday, September 17, 2011


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Nice picture. It makes me want to come to your Greek Festival.

A friend once gave me the CD of "Mystical Supper," one of the first English settings of St. John Chrysostom’s Liturgy done entirely in Byzantine Chant. Sung by the Boston Byzantine Choir. Listening is quite an experience.

Leif Hagen

It's Greek to me.... but I guess it was really a lot of fun!

Jane Mitchell

The N & R says it runs on Sunday too from 12:00 to 6:00, I think.


Thanks, Jane. You are correct. 11am-10pm Sat. and 12-6pm Sunday.

Also, for locals, the News & Record had a front page article on the event. Hope it doesn't rain but nice that it isn't too hot.


When language has to stop, music takes over and beyond.

Please have you all a good Sunday.

daily athens


I wonder what the baby in the pink stroller is thinking. Future dancer!


OMGosh... our large Greek church in Seattle had their festival last weekend too...it is so much fun! Love your shot!

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