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« Labor Day Day Weekend-- Got Plans? | Main | Rolling Roads Baptist Church »

Saturday, September 03, 2011


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Louis la Vache

YUM! «Louis» would LOVE to visit this deli!

Re your question about «Louis'» Espresso Van project and how East Coasters can back it:
Go HERE, click on the green button just to the right of the image of the van. «Louis» is offering rewards for backers outside of the Bay Area. Several bloggers outside of the Bay Area have become backers. «Louis» is appreciative of every dollar pledged! THANK YOU!

Louis la Vache

«Louis» forgot that your blog format doesn't allow links in the comments. Let's see if this works to link to «Louis'» Kickstarter Project:

Leif Hagen

Yum, yum, yum! Wish I could meet you there for lunch and some CDP blog chit chat!

barb farr

Time sure flies when you're eating good food : )


For GSO folks who like Italian food & culture, the 3rd annual Italian Festival will be Sun, Oct. 9th. Not sure if Giacomo's in a sponsor, but here's the info: http://www.festivalitalianonc.com/


Yes Leif, I'd love to meet more of the City Daily Photo blog maintainers from around the world. It seems as if we know each other.

I agree Barb. Nothing beats good food (and fellowship)

Thank you Jessica for sharing that event! We love it when readers let other readers know about events in Greensboro. We'll try to stop by Greensboro's Italian Festival to photograph (and to EAT)!

David T

I think Giacomo's closed their High Point Road location a while back. The Battleground store is crowded at lunch time. Great sandwiches!

Carolina Mts

Great spot here - my hubby would love this - he is a chef!


That's a very attractive and warm place. I'm hungry now.


I'm a vegetarian, so... This is forbidden place for me, unfortunately (I was very fond of delicatessen till I had to stop eating meat for health problems : It was a choice I made hampily, and I'm still starving for a piece of meat three years after I had to cut on meat)...



Mozzarella and tomato salad, pasta, bread, aged provolone (divine).......... are a few starters for vegetarians.


I had a passing thought about going to buy some fresh Mozzarella and tomatoes today and this clinched it.
What a delicious looking case,the scent of oil and vinegar,warm bread and cured meat is seeping through the screen!
Maybe I had better get to the market!


For those of you who are a little confused, we have a Janis from NC, one from CA, and one from PA actively participating on this blog. The last comment is the CA Janis! We're thinking about starting a Facebook page for people named Janis!

Jane Mitchell

Don't forget the basil. I had a delightful hors-d'oeuvre this summer on a stick (skewer) consisting of a ball of mozzarella (I bought the marinated formed in small balls from Costco), cherry tomato and basil leaf--so simple and so good!

Account Deleted

I prefer to never be hungry if I plan to visit the places like this one. Great welcoming photo!
About clownes: maybe mother was late for few years when bought ticket to circus for me: I saw two thick, shouting, badly made up diAdenki (men) with silly jokes and strange behavior. Later it was some American thriller with clown-antihero, so the picture was complete: no point to trust clowns))
Joking apart I was lucky to see late Nikulin and Shuidin, two warmest and most talented guys in our circus. You can see them in Youtube.


Irina's above comment relates to what she wrote upon seeing our clown posting yesterday. I asked her on her website why she doesn't like clowns. Many people don't........


Wish I had some of this deli food while watching all of this college football this weekend.

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