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Thursday, September 08, 2011


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Katja Brown

Learned another new word today. Thanks for the explanation of "pole."


There's a UNC website with historical maps of NC posted. If you start around 1760 or so and browse the selection there are maps where you can match up the roads on the Genesis Plaque to their colonial names.



Thank you so much Hugh for sharing that resource. This could send us in some new directions!


Very interesting, and pretty.

So, a rod is 5.5 yards. Aha. I'm reading _The Last of the Mohicans_ and kept forgetting to look that up.
And pole is totally new.


I've been talking with surveyors in different parts of the country a lot lately. The subject of the old days came up with one. He said the young guys on his crews today have no clue about rods, poles and chains. They just set up the equipment push a button and the satellite or laser does the rest.

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