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Tuesday, August 02, 2011


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Table height, time of the afternoon? So THIS is what differentiates high from low tea. I am glad to finally learn this. Thank you .

Your picture is wonderful, of a different world really.


We're always happy when someone learns something, Dina; and even HAPPIER when they let us know they learned something. Yes, we too learn a mighty plenty in our research for these posts!

Have a great rest of the week!

Leif Hagen

Man would I like to try that tea time! I get weak in the knees for coffee or tea with treats!!

Jane Mitchell

Tea at the O. Henry is indeed very special for the ambiance as well as the dainties served with the tea. The idea of table height determining a high or low tea is new to me too. I always thought it was just for light or heavier fare.


Dear Readers: Mind you, we references a Wikipedia entry for "tea" which is where we learned of the high/low tea variables. It has been our experience that even though Wikipedia is "of the people," it is usually a good source of general information.

If we have any tea experts lurking out there, we'd love some additional insight. Perhaps we can discuss it over tea. :)

EG Wow

Looks sooo elegant!


I think you mean buttered "scones" not "sconces." Although butter would surely make light fixtures go down better too! :-)


Thanks, Jess, correction made. That volunteer editing position is still available. LOL! Every time I see errors that egregious, I'm convinced a little gremlin snuck in during the night to play tricks on us!

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