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« Cone Export and Commission Company Building | Main | Center City Park-- Singing in the Rain »

Friday, August 05, 2011


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what a great looking ball park! i love minor league games!


Love the huge baseballs...it would be the perfect backdrop for ball team photos! Nice shot!

London Caller

Ha! They're huge!


Even if the Grasshoppers aren't home, there is plenty of great baseball to watch this weekend!

Cafe Pasadena

Remember to capture some baseball shape clouds when you see them in the sky!


they're big! would love to have my photo taken there:)


Mu family is right, I am a worry-wart. All I can think is that I better look up to see where the giant Baseball glove is that must be reaching for these strays!


those are really huge!


In-town minor league baseball is fun. I worked in Columbus, Ohio, for six years and a new park opened up about two blocks from my apartment. It was heaven being able to walk over there on nice summer nights after work.


I think I'd prefer minor league baseball these days...professional sports are out of control in so many ways, in my opinion.

Love the photo ... very well composed. And the baseballs are great!

Tatjana Parkacheva

Nice composition in your photo.


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