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Friday, August 19, 2011


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Hi Jan...love those sky shots with the huge, low-lying clouds. Sorry, I don't know who Peter Klaus is...do you know the name of his blog?

Have a great time at the Wyndham. Wish I was there. I haven't seen a golf tournament in about 15 years - the last one in Orlando. But I'll be watching this one on TV. Keep waving...maybe I'll see you behind the ropes...wait, I don't know what you look like. Wear red! :-)

Magical Mystical Teacher

Those clouds seem to be bearing down on the building below. Did they produce rain?


Sky so high,
Sky so blue,
Tell me why
I love you.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher


Great capture. The contrast between the sun and shade is wonderful. Have a blessed week-end.


a beautiful sky

barb farr

Terrific shot of the sky and clouds.


Love the clouds!

ann nz

that big building, we have two here that are hospitals, same shape.

Tatjana Parkacheva

Nice photo.


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