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Friday, August 12, 2011


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Katja Brown

Wonder why they chose carnivorous plants for North Carolina?


I always liked finding the graphics on these trucks - and of course, you have way more to look for than we have!


Katja: I think they chose carnivorous plants for NC because they do grow in NC and it is fun,quirky tidbit of knowledge.

Violet Sky: But Canada has polar bears and Niagra Falls and ! :)


Sky looks beautiful! But before that I was wondering what that ad was! Lol, very eyecatching. I love that they have snippets of info on it too.


I always wanted a Venus Fly Trap when I was little!

To answer your question, no, we haven't lived in Greensboro, but it's not too terribly far!


You can learn more about the U-Haul North Carolina SuperGraphic online here http://www.uhaul.com/SuperGraphics/68/Venture-Across-America-and-Canada-Modern/North-Carolina

Carolina Mts

One of my friends always had a Venus flytrap as a plant! Love the Little Shop of Horrors. Great pic. Hope allis well.


I actually saw that plant in the Ashboro Zoo and was amused how small it is. My impression somehow was that it is monstrously big and ready to gobble me :)

Thanks for stopping by EllieVellie. My mom discovered Facebook and Turkish Soap opera forums so she has no emotions left for her blog - all is pouring into discussions of 'how she looked at him, how he looked at her' :)

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