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Monday, August 15, 2011


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For each of the people IOB employs a bucket full of self esteem is brought home. A productive job means the world to their well being.
I know this for a fact because my Dad was almost totally blind. Since this was the result of a baseball injury at age 17 he knew what it was to work,to drive,to go to the movies on a Saturday night. First he groomed race horses and took them for their cool down walks at Santa Anita,later he was a Taxi cab dispatcher which was really perfect work for him since he knew the town well and everybody who lived here,after that he worked at a mobile home factory and the local school district.
His blindness was a gift to me. I learned to read aloud before I ever entered Kindergarten by reading him the sports pages and local news.He would tell me what to look for and sound out words with me.I learned geography and to love travel even though we rarely left California because he would pull out the big Map Book from Rand McNally and we would take armchair trips all over the world,gauging mileage,times, what to see, where to dine every little detail was planned.
I was probably the only second grader who could navigate the way to Ames Iowa but could not find the restrooms for the upper playground at lunch!


What a gift your comments are to GDP, CA Janis!

Just when we start to wonder if our posts are leaving an impression on anybody out there, you come rolling in with some profound insight. Thank you so much. We give of our time for this city daily photo site in the hopes that people will gain something from it. Your words let us know that others feel our posts are worth our effort.


Great info to accompany a great photo


This is very interesting. I had a friend who worked with the blind back in the 70s, but I can't remember if his organization was Lighthouse for the Blind or some other one.

I'll be watching the golf tourney for sure. See you there?

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