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Monday, August 01, 2011


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Wasn't it somethingelse on Elm Street?? Although this may seem tame in comparison, I think it helps me sleep soundly at night knowing those folk are on duty. Thanks for the postcard.

Abraham Lincoln

I am sure your rescue unit is as important as ours. I have been rescued by it many times. Thanks for the link. I hope people can see it and learn more about smoking.


Were they giving rides 'up'? Interesting take on the theme.


What strikes me immediately about the photo is the colour. Everyone wearing such happy colours.


it seems all our firefighters in this area are all volunteer...my husband was a volunteer firefighter back when he was in the marine corps, in fact, many marines were volunteer firefighters where we were stationed (29 palms, ca)


Yes, Julie-- There was a movie, "Nightmare on Elm Street." (Not Greensboro's Elm Street)!

Yes Jilly, to Europeans, America is the land of the "happy colours."

No rides "up" Birdman. Great idea though. Even better on a bungee cord.

And to Abraham Lincoln (yes.... he is related to the 16th president of the US): Thank you for "going public" and making the most of your personal situation. In my family, there have been many smokers. In the 40's-70's it was almost easier to smoke than to not. Perhaps I do not smoke because so many others in my family did.


A definite crowd pleaser with this one! Love the color and the implied motion and the Greensboro banner.

Thank you so much for your comment on Greetings from Palos Verdes. It made my day. Also, thank you for steering me to Abe's blog. I haven't been there for a while.


The kids always love the fire trucks! Nice that this one is helping everyone keep cool. Our fire and rescue is staffed by both paid and volunteer firemen and EMT's.


Nice to see a fire truck in a happy situation.

I envy your modern equipment and the high number of stations. Something we need and fast.

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