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Tuesday, August 09, 2011


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I don't want to think about the end of summer yet! It's my favorite season. :)


Get your fun when and where you can. Having been a teacher I laughed at your use of the phrase "academic rigor." Oh, if it were only so. Well, actually, it was that way for some of the young 'uns. But for others it was more like rigor mortis! :-)


I love the feeling of "almost Autumn". There is anticipation in the air along with the smell of crayons,paper and paste. Sounds of children playing are no longer random up and down the block but now rise from the schoolyard at intervals of recess,lunch,recess and release.
This is the first day of school here in our Southern California town. After many mornings the last couple of months of full strength sun at dawn, today we were treated to a cool and overcast morning with clearing just now arriving at 11a.m.
I take this as a harbinger of a very pleasant Autumn season ahead!


Oh, I don't WANT summer to wind down yet... our school years ended a week late (to make up snow days) and I spend a week on jury duty and the coup de gras is returning for the upcoming school year a week early on September 1. I'm always excited to bit a new school bus route and to see the students, but can we put on the brakes!!! ;-)

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