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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


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Good for you for bringing this to our attention. Hopefully somebody at UNCG reads this and takes action!

Roger Green

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Those of you who are up early in Greensboro will realize...... fall is in the air!

Abraham Lincoln

Fall - indeed. The cicada are busy with the buzzing.


She certainly deserves the honors she has received. I admire her for her extraordinary efforts in education.


I love the scenery.

One thing that I like on your post is very informative as it tackles about the history. I am not form your country as I am from the Philippines yet I appreciate your post.

Cassy from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons

Helen Mac

Three cheers for your post on Harriet Elliott and good luck in bringing information about her into her student center!
ABC Team

Jane Mitchell

I can envision ELLIOTT UNIVERSITY CENTER displayed above those columns. It needs to be there for all to see.


Jane: The class of '62, '63, or '64 could make that their 50th year project. ELLIOTT UNIVERSITY CENTER (for all to see).

That would be such a great gift!


Way to go Ms. Elliott! Terrific post.

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