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« Greensboro Atheist Organization on Yanceyville Street | Main | UNCG SOE »

Monday, August 22, 2011


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Katja Brown

Enjoyed learning about all the different walls around Greensboro. I especially like the "Water Flight" wall and will have to personally check out the wall at Lucky 32 and the African American Atelier's Bilingual Mural.


Wow Katja! Impressive that you not only visited these walls virtually but plan to go in person! Let us know if you see something interesting to feature while you are out there!

We do know about City Arts' Creation Celebration at the Cultural Arts Center this Saturday from 12 noon to 4pm. All of the walls are within about 5 minutes from that celebration!

Have a great week.


Neat! Fun! Reflective!

barb farr

Great mural. So life-like, at first glance I thought the child on the left was real : )

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