This popsicle green building is Boomer's Guns-- Sales & Service. Boomer's Guns is located at 5101 Yanceyville Street, north of Lee's Chapel Road. We haven't stopped in but always get a little visual jolt, driving along this part of town that is transitioning from rural to suburban, when we see the kiwi green cinder block building. What a great play on words, "boomers" for Baby Boomers and a description of the noise a gun makes when fired.
Enacted legislation, Chapter 14, article 54b outlines the guidelines for carrying a concealed weapon in North Carolina. For the most part, you have to be at least 21; there must be no reason why you shouldn't have one (e.g., mental illness, convicted felon, DUI); and you have to earn the permit and carry it with you. Obtaining an NC Concealed Permit Carry seems to be quite popular across many sectors of the population in Guilford County, including young professionals. Imagine someone coming into your dentist's office asking for valuables and the hygienist intervening, chasing the assailant out the door with her having-been-concealed gun. The 21st century perspective appears to be, "not just criminals should have guns; the good guys/gals should have them too." According to North Carolina's permit-by-county statistics, in 2010, there were 7,736 valid permits and 14,154 applications on file for Guilford County. Mecklenberg and Wake Counties tied with 12,000 permits issued. Jones and Hyde Counties had the least number of issued permits (under 100), in case you are looking for a (nearly) gun-free zone!
But would the shooter go to jail for firing at the thief?
Here in Israel many a terrorist attack has been stopped in the middle by citizens who carry their pistol in a holster.
Posted by: Dina | Monday, August 08, 2011 at 06:36 AM
Cute color. You certainly can't miss this building!
Posted by: Halcyon | Monday, August 08, 2011 at 08:02 AM
Lots of things I could say about this post, but it's probably best that I refrain. Some people, as you mentioned, think us old folks are characters anyway! :-)
I will say, though, we seem to be having more "shoot-'em-ups" lately! Probably not because of the guns, though.
Ok, I'll quit.
Posted by: Jacob | Monday, August 08, 2011 at 09:30 PM