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Saturday, August 27, 2011


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Not Bull Durham. Field of Dreams.


Thank you Ken, I'll go in and make that change! Tried to work from memory in haste. Never pays off! Great to have readers like you to keep us accurate!


The place looks awesome for swimming trainings ! I hope you did enjoy the watching the diving competition.

Leif Hagen

That's a fantastic aquatic center! I love to swim and dive off the board - it's a long time since my swim team days in high school!


Hey,at least you didn't quote Major League!
That is a wonderful new facility for your city,the diving end is amazing and no wind to deal with indoors or glare for the divers!
Have a great weekend

Genie - Paris and Beyond

How wonderful to see a city take a step like this and make "a big splash." I believe that Greensboro was smart and forward thinking in this matter and hope that the aquatic center stays busy for decades to come. Yay!


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