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« Peach Time in North Carolina | Main | EMF/MUSEP 2011- Concert at Guilford College »

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


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Katja Brown

Zornbrook sounds a lot like our neighborhood, the lovely Elmhurst Estates in Summerfield!


Congratulations on all those streets well described.

Yes, the peaches and your night photography are especially beautiful.

Roger Green

Does look lovely, tho I noticed that all of NC has been in a prolonged drought.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Well I am so impressed as you completed your theme of streets for 26 weeks. Woot Hoot for you!!!!

It's been a grand tour of your city and your streets.

Preston Earle

I'm sorry you missed my favorite street in Greensboro, Zev Place--it's the short street just south of Wendover between Church St. and Cherry St. Google maps has it here: http://tinyurl.com/ZevPlace2 Maybe you can use it in the next series.


Thank you Preston for reminding us of Zev Place. Now that I think about it, that's where the Music Loft relocated-- in the building that housed the relocated Carlson Antiques! Maybe it doesn't have any houses on it so the realtors' page that we use doesn't list it.

Janis & Dave

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