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Tuesday, July 12, 2011


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Katja Brown

Those DO look delicious!


Makes my mouth water and I do so wish that I had one (or more) of these for breakfast...right now! Thanks for all the information, too.


I am missing some prime farmers market days. Thanks for allowing me to experience Greenaboro from afar. I will definitely keep checking back for a regular dose of home while I travel this summer.

David T

How many of those varieties are NC town or community names? I've been to Derby, Candor, Pekin, Norman, Windblow, Ellerbe, Biscoe and Monroe, but I'm not sure about a couple of the others. Candor used to be called the "Peach Capital."


Yummy looking. Bet the ripe ones smell scrumptious too. Today, you've inspired me to find a good recipe for peach jam/compote! My fave! Great to learn more about your community. Have a happy Tuesday!


Peaches are the most perfect natures' gift. Shape and taste and smell - I usually stop and can not eat it, too perfect for such banal operation)))
Ah, and watermelons, too.
Great summer photo.

barb farr

They look sooo good. Just perfect for some cobbler with ice cream.


I love peaches! But I prefer the white flesh over yellow. Yummmmy!

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