The lawn game Cornhole is all the rage in Greensboro! In the above photo, we see some young adults who brought their Cornhole game to the Coliseum to pass time until the fireworks started on July 4th. For those of you who haven't played before, the white raised board in the middle of the photo is one of two plywood, cornhole targets. The opponent's sloped target is in the spot where we were standing to take the photo. Little corn-filled bags are tossed back and forth. The goal is to get the bag in the hole and to reach 21 points. If you really want to learn to play, read here.
Nobody is sure of the exact origin of cornhole. Native Americans played a similar game and there are tossing games in many early cultures. In modern times, Ohio and Michigan have played a significant role in popularizing the game. Word has it that in Greensboro teams and competitions are cropping up even with county employees to boost collegiality and to alleviate on the job stress. The game costs from $75 up depending on the elaborateness of the façade and whether they are made at home or purchased pre-made. We'd love to own one if you know of an affordable source.
We're tossing this post up on Skywatch Friday. If we're lucky, we'll get comments from around the world. Wonder if they play cornhole in Siberia, in Rio de Janeiro........... in Jerusalem?
There were a group of people playing this at the beach while we waited for the shuttle launch. I had no idea what it was called.
Posted by: barb farr | Friday, July 15, 2011 at 04:50 PM