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Saturday, July 30, 2011


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Montreal Photo Daily

Amazing GDP! You've put so much thought into the composition of this photo. You really are an inspiration! :)
Have a great weekend!


This is a very creative shot!


That's a nice way to put a tattoo/graffiti artist work in a creative fashion. There's a similar wall in Gainesville, Florida (home of the Univ. of Florida) but it is decorated by students and other such. Wild!


Very creative - the wall art and your photo!!
Will look forward to seeing more of this wall.


What a strange association... It looks almost photoshopped... Well seen, though !


OH!!!! So the Green crayon is the "Creative" one...Doh! I have been using Periwinkle and Magenta!
It is a lovely wall and I always like to see what is in the mirror too.


Nice reflection. I love murals, wish more areas embraced such creativity.

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