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Friday, July 22, 2011


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É uma cena interessante!


Beautifully captured! With the high temperatures in your area (Montreal also), I hope no one will be doing this. However, after a spicy Indian or Sichuan dinner, you can end up like this too! But, this "heat" is supposed to help in combating the other "heat". I wonder. It's so hot here, I'll try anything.
Stay cool. Have a great weekend, GDP!

Leif Hagen

Yikes! Don't try that at home!
Happy weekend to you


True, Miriam and Leif: This is DEFINITELY a "do not try this at home" or "do not try this during a drought" photo.

Ken: I like the link to spicy food and hot weather. I've always heard that the spicy food had properties of antibiotics that help keep people healthy.

An Indian lunch buffet........... hum........ I'll be near Saffron today............

Carolina Mts

Great shot. I guess we are lucky to be just 89-90! Stay cool.

Tatjana Parkacheva

Very good photography.


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