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Saturday, July 23, 2011


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EG Wow

I enjoy going into old-timey grocery stores. You never know what you'll find.


How nice to have this store. Very nostalgic!


You're right GDP... it would feature well in a period film! Yep... I can picture Meryl Streep or Katy Bates roaming about in the aisles.
Love the photo. Have a relaxing weekend.

Jane Mitchell

They recently added locopops from Durham. If you haven't tried them in this hot weather, you're missing out. I tried the thin mint and the mango chili fruit pop--so refreshing.

barb farr

I love when you can take something old and make it new again.


Thanks Jane, Barb, Ken, Janis (CA) and EG Wow! We've been at a sand volleyball tournament and returning to comments is as refreshing as a can be! A real gift to have your comments!


Shopping isn't my favourite moment, but It is a good occasion to chase new reflections : this one is amazing !

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