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Wednesday, June 29, 2011


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Katja Brown

Very creative entry! Thanks for sharing all the cultural riches that we have here in Greensboro!


And thank YOU Katja for being not only a faithful reader but also a faithful COMMENTER. We love comments! Lets us know people are out there reading and enjoying!


thank you for this lovely take on the theme

Roger Green

Hey, that works too!
Good choice.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Terrific! What a find! Just got to admire your dedication to GDP!
Cheers and have a great day!

Jane Mitchell

Original plus! Who but you, Janis, would come up with such a "find"?
"X" does indeed mark the spot!


Oh this is just the most unique "X" post I've read.


Thank you all for the positive comments. It is so nice for others to notice the effort we put into the blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

XOXOXOXOXOXOX With an extra "X" for the letter of the week!

Janis & Dave

barb farr

That's the way to think outside the box.

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