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Saturday, June 11, 2011


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Katja Brown

I was not aware that they have installed a mister! Have to check it out this summer!


Kids must love this ! Hmmm.... just wondering. Same concept as the drive through car wash. Which came first ?

Have a great day !



We think it is just temporary, that the water mister is portable and goes from special to event to special event.

Ken: I'd never made that association. You are so right!! It does work like a car wash!


I've never seen such a thing. I want to go through!


This is a must in the southern states during the summer months! Great shot!

barb farr

These misters are a great idea.


I'm familiar with these misters from Lois' racing. Quite often in the summer, the race organizers provide misters as the runner cross the finish line...a wonderful respite.

Thanks for visiting today and for your very nice comment. Hope that your weekend is progressing as well as you'd hoped!


Looks fun and wonderful!
Happy weekend reflections!


That must be funny indeed ! (not for me actually, cause I have a cold, but still !) And refreshing, by a hot summer day...

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