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« If summer wrde last for efer [sic]... | Main | Greensboro Aquatic Center »

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


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Yay Westridge! Since there are no "X" roads for next week, perhaps you could find a unique crossroads to photograph. :)

Roger Green

Yes, love the bay windows.
Crosswalks, or eXits, or railroad crossings.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Love the terrace - I always wanted something like that here - very colonial don't you think?
Denise ABC Team


Great choice,and what a beautiful home and property! Oh, and I already have my X-word photo for next week! Better catch up! :)


Bautiful picture :)


Mark Luther

For X you can just find a really nice intersection and photograph 3 or 4 houses. Sunset Hills or New Irving Park would probably have several to choose from. Or perhaps photograph the X made by two crossing bats at the War Memorial Stadium.

Jane Mitchell

I like ROG's idea of exits for "X"--how about an exiting Greensboro street such as Battleground on out 220 or Lee Street as you merge on to 85 for starters? There are many more, e.g. Elm on 220 south.

Leif Hagen

I love, love those architectural details - a wrap around porch, turret!

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