Do you plant tomatoes? What are your secrets? This year, we planted some tomatoes traditionally, in the ground around our patio; additionally, we planted two in topsy turvy containers (see above). Some people have great luck with these downward growing plants. However, for us the ones in the ground are thriving and the ones in the topsy turvy container seem to be in a downward spiral. You are supposed to water them daily and we suspect that precision watering is key. At about $15 a green pouch, plus the cost of the plant, we could buy a whole lot of tomatoes at our local farmers' markets for the price of this gardening mis-adventure.
We'll keep you posted on our little experiment in Greensboro, NC. How about letting us know what you are looking forward to from your garden. We try to plant only edibles and blueberries will be ready soon!
My neighbors have been using this technique for a couple years now. The local squirrels seem to like it a lot. hehe
Good luck!
Posted by: Ken | Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 08:42 AM
I started to see this technic at local nurseries but did not wanted to try before seeing the result at friends houses and haven't seen any good results yet. Perhaps the same trend as for Christmas trees hanging from ceilings!
thks for visiting chandler a to z.
Posted by: Therese | Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 08:11 AM
My husband wanted the topsy turvy so badly this year. I told him I did not think this was a good method for the home garden. I am glad you may be agreeing with me.
Posted by: Donna | Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 12:24 PM