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« Butter Steak Sandwich & Green Drink | Main | High above Elm Street »

Sunday, June 26, 2011


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I'm fascinated by all the articles in your picture


Congrats Jan & David for all your hard work and dedication. It's always a pleasure for me to visit you!

Hello from Montreal. :)


Nice! I like the name of the exhibit-- "Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina" and how they say "documenting how an immigrant group became Southern while simultaneously retaining its own unique religion and culture."
I grew up in Chicago and it was only at age 22 that I first a Jewish girl with a Southern accent. It was a big surprise somehow.

So glad you have no shortage of diverse posts for your Sunday religious series.

Leif Hagen

I love your sacred Sunday postings! And this is a very interesting one! I need to learn more about Judaism!


I would never in my life plan to go to museum, it is for the tourists! But never say never when you are CDPhoto member!

Louis la Vache

Very interesting! «Louis» is sending the link for this to friends who are Jewish.


Neat - sounds like a treat, going to Greensboro to view the Intro to Judaism. I'm here because I'm one Louis' Jewish friends.

Does the kitchen preview include one member of the family yelling at - I mean reminding another member of the family to take a spoon from the fleishig drawer instead of the milchig one? ;-)

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