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Monday, June 27, 2011


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Katja Brown

I do enjoy the back alleys and patios of all the little stores along Elm Street. A great way to explore is on one of the first Fridays of the month when Elm street comes alive with live music, appetizers, etc. in different stores and galleries. Why is the Kress building's terrace famous?


Great capture! This private rooftop terrace is very stylish... but I'd like to go over there and give them a hand with the greenery.
Thanks. Have a happy Monday.


Katja, the terrace at the Kress building was one of the first that the public heard about. Also, they get publicity from the lovely events held there.

Ken, funny you should mention the (lack of) greenery! I was so caught up in the pure geometry of the view, that I didn't think of the greenery. I saw the empty pots as "circles on squares." Oh how we love the comments when they come in. Today, we're off to a great start. Katja is local and Ken in from elsewhere (Montreal Daily Photo). Let's hope for more!


I like this unusual perspective.


Here's one more... I love viewing the world from on high. (one reason I will only very reluctantly leave my apartment building!) And I also was wondering if those pots would eventually be used for some beautiful, colourful plants. Green roofs are very useful for many things.

barb farr

I bet it gets hot in the summer. I agree with Ken above, something green would make a world of difference.

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