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« Dear Wendy's: Here's the Beef! | Main | Summer Solstice 2011 »

Sunday, June 19, 2011


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Leif Hagen

We could say that it's an all brick church! I wonder what it looks like inside.... (hint, hint)


Leif, your "hint, hint" would have us IN church 365 days a year. LOL! Actually, we like to hope we're nudging all of these religious institutions to beef up their websites:

--basic information about beliefs, schedules, and personnel;
--a history of the formation of the congregation;
-- a history of significant events across the years;
-- photos of people and events across the years;
-- photos of architectural details inside and out.

One person says that her church now has a history on their website as a result of GDP's encouragement.

As for your request, we will try to get some inside photos; however, one always feels a little like a "stalker" taking candid photos inside a place of worship and we do try to respect privacy. We'll see what we can do about getting more interior views.

Have a great Sunday!


An inviting looking church...

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