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Saturday, June 18, 2011


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Ah... a mister... brings out the kid in you!


If people want to be fat and be unhealthy... let them pay for it.
But I don't want Wendy's to get fat on me.

Thanks for being there! ... here!
Have a great weekend.


Birdman's comment was for last week's water mister in the park photo when the Wendy's comment accidentally posted below the mister photo for a couple of hours. Sorry Birdman!

Mrs. GDP


Now I know why they ask if you want cheese. I always say no. I thought I would pay extra for cheese, not more for without. They had me tricked.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Donna: Ask to clarify. I work so hard to keep a healthy weight and BMI (body mass index) that I don't want any cheese. For sure, I don't want to pay for it!

Jack Hart

You know I pretty much cut out fast food months ago. Along with other things I have lost 45 pounds since October!

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