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« Greensboro Summer Solstice 2011 | Main | Dear Wendy's: Here's the Beef! »

Friday, June 17, 2011


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Very creative post! I love the jolt of colors in this photo, it goes well with my morning coffee ;-) and am soooo enjoying your blog every morning.

Happy Friday!

Leif Hagen

Such floral and green loveliness!
Happy weekend


It is heartbreakingly short. She certainly packed in a good deal during that brief lifespan, and it fitting and appropriate to have that portion of the garden dedicated to her. What a terrible loss for her parents.

Jane Mitchell

A lovely garden and a beautiful tribute to a precious daughter. I appreciate their remembering her in this way and your sharing it with us.


Wonderful story and photo.


Frankly I think that's asbolutley good stuff.

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