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Saturday, June 25, 2011


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Katja Brown

Thanks for introducing me to this new to me food! Will the Boar & Castle sauce be only available today at Fresh Market? How did the green drink taste?


My, my. I'm really tempted but I'll have to pass GDP... for a while anyway. Strict orders from my family doctor... gotta lower my cholesterol. But, go ahead and enjoy an extra one for me. I've never heard of Boar & Castle sauce before... will check it out.

I appreciate your visits and kind comments on my blog. Thanks for the encouragement.

Keep well and have a great weekend!


Oh my gosh, I am sure glad I had a sandwich in my hand while I was reading this or I might have hopped in the car and headed East!
I love , I mean really LOVE butter on steak! Crispy grilled bun just adds to the delight! I think I just drooled a little.
That Green drink sounds a lot like what I liked as a kid here in the West, a Cactus Cooler,very sweet and had a Pineapple flavor but it was neon Yellow!
I can hardly wait for the BBQ I am attending tonight!

barb farr

I have never heard of butter steak and I hope that green drink is limeade. It sure looks refreshing.

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