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« U is for Underwood Drive | Main | Day 180 »

Thursday, June 09, 2011


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They could put up a high fence to block the view. But the buzz of lights would drive me nuts.
You know, when I quickly read your first few lines on my Reading List, I thought I saw buttheads instead of butts heads and thought, hmm, this doesn't sound like Jan's style. LOL

Good luck to arrested development.

Preston Earle

"We can assure you that if this photo had sound, you would hear barking dogs; you would hear the owners opening screen doors to see who was on their property. You would hear crickets and frogs and see lightening bugs; all-the-while, the buzz of lights from the lot at the Dollar General next door is a perpetual reminder that retail is a stone's throw away."

And the buzz of mosquitoes.


It's a gem. And a statement also, that urban encroachment is rampant. My question is: who needs all those stores and shopping malls anyway ? One can only buy so much.

Have a nice day !

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