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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


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Wow...love this shot.


Very nice capture of red in this shot. I love graffiti art and even if you don't mean to, you shown a real slice of its life. :) Have a great week!


Great view this morning! "The pen(can) is mightier than the sword"is still often the case.You already know that I believe most Graffiti is a form of art. Not tagging, that is different ,all about ownership and area and it is never done for art only for recognition of a name/gang.
Graffiti and art are hand in hand. We have a huge controversy going on in Los Angeles right now due to a show installation at MOCA all about Street Art and Graffiti. Of course it attracted the artists in the show and their admirers. This inspired more street art to be applied to buildings around LA . Owners are so happy that they are working hard to preserve what has always been a temporary kind of work.No owners of property have filed any kind of charges over these works by the likes of Banksy and Revok.

LAPD seems unable to see the difference in gang tagging and art,arrests have been made even when not in any act. Artists have been stopped at restaurants,airports and in their own homes.
A little education would go a long way here.
Link to the MOCA show: http://www.moca.org/audio/blog/?p=1522

Magical Mystical Teacher

When I see a shot like this, I wonder when the bridge is going to collapse. (Sorry,didn't mean to be morbid. Just wondering...)


“If forced to make choices,” she said,
“I’d go for the crimson and red.
I’d let go of green,
(Some think it’s obscene),
Embracing magenta instead.”

Dancers in Red

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