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« Honorable Howard Coble... En Route | Main | Hydrangea Haven.... or Heaven »

Wednesday, June 01, 2011


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If you haven't already, you should read the comments from Memorial Day and from yesterday. Local, Jack Hart, tells about his parents' experiences with WWII. Jack also comments of Congressman Coble. Among the other comments , West Coast Janis comments about the congressman.

Roger Green

here's hoping the reconstruction is pleasing to the eye
ROG, ABC Wednesday team


I love the before and after shots. Looking forward to the after shot!


Hi! I'm just visiting Greensboro and I find this site extremely helpful by telling me what places I shouldn't miss to drop by. I love this site. Thanks!



Scott: Thank you for visiting GDP. Also, thank you for visiting our city. Looks like you've had some great adventures, not only in Greensboro but in your life.

barb farr

What a charming little house. I love it.


Thanks Janis! Greensboro is just wonderful. The people are very friendly. Yeah, I try to make each day as an adventure. Life is short. =]


Beautiful house! Love 'touring' around with you!

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