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Tuesday, May 17, 2011


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Magical Mystical Teacher

'Tis tiny indeed!


Did someone mention scarlet
Or was it red I heard?
Perhaps it was a varlet
Or a vermilion bird
That shouted out the color
That’s dearest to my heart.
(It makes me feel much duller
If red is not a part.)

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher


Jack Hart

The history on that building is a little fuzzy, however I will give it a shot.
Long, long time ago, Pepsi Cola started a chain that I think was named 'Hot-N-Now'. It was ironically very similar to In-N-Out Burgers in CA. At the time In-N-Out was using Pepsi products. In-N-Out ended that...went straight to Coke...the folks at In-N-Out did not like the way their chain was copied. (Like anyone could!)


That is cute!

Roller Coaster

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