Today is ABC Wednesday and "Q" is for Quaker Run Drive. This house, one of 27 on the street, is located in the Quaker Run neighborhood off of Horse Pen Creek and New Garden Roads. The street names-- Meeting House Drive, Friendsview Drive, Shaker Drive-- evoke Greensboro's Quaker heritage. Throughout the 1990's, many homes in Greensboro were built in a similar architectural style with hardy board exterior like the one above. In this neighborhood, residents spend considerable effort keeping their lawns and flower beds healthy. Not everyone, however, has an attitude fit for a yellow house. Living in a yellow house, could one be anything but cheerful?
Since only 21 streets in Greensboro start with a "Q", let's dim the screen and roll them out: Quad Oak, Quail Canyon, Quail Cove, Quail, Quail Oak, Quail Ridge Ct., Quail Ridge Dr., Quaker Landing Ct., Quaker Landing Road, Quaker Run, Quate, Queen Alice, Queen Beth, Queen Victoria, Queenanne, Queens, Queensberry, Quick Silver, Quincemoor, Quincy, and Quinlan. Well, its time to grab the camera and map and start visiting "R" streets. Visit our A-P streets here and leave a comment if you have an "R" request!
substantial house, like the Quakers are substantial people
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Posted by: Roger Green | Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 06:59 AM
I lived in a yellow house when I was growing up. Loved it. This is a nice one, too. Attitude is a conscious choice, not a result.
Posted by: Jack | Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 08:42 AM
Beautiful house and just the right shade of yellow.
Posted by: Oakland Daily Photo | Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 02:13 PM
This is a fun way to go through the alphabet! :-) What a pretty house. Did they manicure the yard for your photo? ha.
Posted by: Shady Gardener | Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 10:46 PM
Quakers, Queens and Quail ... then we come to Quate?? I imagine this must have been someones name (could not find a meaning for this, though some say it means 'quiet'. It probably is a quiet street.
Posted by: VioletSky | Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 12:56 PM