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Thursday, June 02, 2011


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Because I live in an apartment, my hydrangeas are all in containers - and they require lots of watering, sometimes more than once a day, or they will flop over. However, I did dry some about 3 years ago and those are still looking lovely (so long as you don't move them to vigorously!)

p.s. and yes, I have 2 blogs, both of which welcome you anytime!

Jane Mitchell

My hydrangeas are doing quite nicely. I recently added some aluminum sulfate to they are a pretty blue again. My neighbor has one that is almost magenta-unusual so everyone comments on it. You should come photograph it some time.

Leif Hagen

In this case - Hydrangea heaven! Beautiful blue - I love, love them!


I planted petunias on my balcony - they are the only type which can stand my style of gardening.
I always though that they colour flowers to get this blue shade))

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