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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


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This and your previous post are very touching.


Nice to know there are some politicians out there actually doing what they're paid to do! What a wonderful shot this is. I hope you'll share it with him.


He looks more like one of my uncles than a departing Congressman, hooray for him! I bet he does not think of himself as a politician but as a public servant.

I have to say that our local Congressman here in Inland Southern California , Ken Calvert ,is not often seen in casual attire but he does a heck of a job standing up for his constituents when the going gets tough and muddy in DC!

His Dad looked like your Hon. Mr. Coble,Real and honest and he raised a son that has carried on the family name in a big way.

I am sure the people of Howard Coble's district are well served.

Jack Hart

He is one of the classiest guys I have had the honor to meet.
And come Christmastime...the guy is busy as a bee flitting to many parades he is asked to attend!


I could not agree with you more

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