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Monday, May 02, 2011


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Jane Mitchell

I'm surprised no one commented on this blog today. There's so much I could have spoken to--the zoning problems, the preservation question, yard critters or even predestination "Que será, será."

Greensboro Daily Photo

Thanks Jane for the comment!

I think what we're experience is the 21st century fragmented delivery model. Some people read this blog in an e-mail, some on Facebook, some on twitter, and some directly from this URL. Some people comment on Facebook or retweet us. So, at the end of the day, when we look and no comments are recorded here, usually someone has made a comment elsewhere. 21st century media is like that-- so many options for transmitting information.

Readership is up at GDP, even though comments aren't appearing. From our desks, however, it can seem like a tree falling in a forest. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS COMING!


Or some comments are just delayed by the off-line absence of the commentator that day, no influence of modern technologies here)). Rezoned or nor rezoned at a moment, this building looks like a great location for the painter with the beautiful trees around.
Looks like your spring is much-much more spring then it is here!

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