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Saturday, May 28, 2011


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Elsewhere looks like an interesting place.

Your observations on Memorial Day remind me of an old cartoon about vacationing: one sign points to "Away from it all" and to the opposite direction a second sign points to "It all."

Have a good weekend, wherever you go.


That's a great concept. It's cool, promotes artists and their work, educational and fun for the local kids, ... all good things. Hats off to the grandson. Thanks for this very interesting post.

Bon weekend !
Have a good Memorial Day weekend !


Good for Sylvia's grandson. It's a terrific idea because thrift shops are often filled with blasts from the past(s)...antique stores, too. That's why I avoid antique stores. Everything I see in one was popular and in use when I was growing up. Bah! Nah, truthfully, I like thrift/antique stores.


this is so cool!!

thank you for your visit and comment on my travel blog!!

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