On the edge of the forest floor grows a dense carpet of ajuga. Also known as bugleweed, this purple ground cover is quite hardy as it tolerates shade as well as sun. One of the best things about the bluish-purplish flowers is that deer don't bother them and, in suburban Guilford County, deer-proof is IMPORTANT. As an added bonus, bumblebees seem to love it. Mr. GDP is so excited for the ajuga to be spreading in our back yard, he mows around it. Mrs. GDP sees ajuga as an invasive non-edible weed but tolerates it for the purple spikes. Perhaps we should package the ajuga and sell it at the farmers' market. In our efforts to reduce the amount of lawn needing mowing, ajuga serves a useful purpose. What are your thoughts on ground cover?
Eric Tenin (Paris Daily Photo), the original City Daily Photo blogger loves to photograph from high and low perspectives. The technique is actually named for him. Inspired by Eric, we placed the camera on the ground to snap this one. Whether you take photos, teach school, run a business, or manage a household, try looking at life from a different point of view.
In talking to a friend about ajuga, she told us that her mother liked ajuga because she remembered it from HER childhood. The woman with the fond memories would have been born around 1900. It seems the plant is somewhat of an heirloom! (Stop by our yard and I'll sneak you some of our inheritance).
Posted by: Greensboro Daily Photo, NC | Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 09:18 PM