"The wind of change is blowing through this continent." This quote is associated with the 1960 speech made by British Prime Minister Harold Macmillian in reference to Britain's intent to grant independence to their territories in Africa. Today, we evoke the quote in reference to the recent tornadoes and damaging winds worldwide. In the South, Alabama and North Carolina were hit especially hard. Before that, Japan experienced the tsunami and earthquake. It will be a long time before these communities recover. The world is interconnected in this Internet age, and, as Thomas Friedman will be quick to tell you, adversity in one corner of the world affects communities near and far.
As the winds come and go, Greensboro's skies have gone from blue to gray, from filled with cumulonimbus clouds to zero visibility. Here, we share a few of the international flags flying over Uniworld Auto Sales at the corner of Patterson Avenue and Holden Road. Japan's unfurled, red-dot flag stands between the British, French, Italian, and North Carolina flags to remind us of our interconnectedness.
If you have a chance, visit some of our international friends at Skywatch Friday or the City Daily Photo Community where you can continent-surf without leaving your desktop in Greensboro.
Interesting that a used car lot has so many different flags.
Posted by: Halcyon | Friday, April 29, 2011 at 08:12 AM
I was northbound on I-75 in Ringold, GA Wednessday, looked up and to my left and the toranodo that hit them was coming off the steep mountain, I did not realize exactly what I was seeing, I just knew it was a strange looking horizontal cloud. Later some of the trucks I was running with told me that it landed five-hundred feet behind us. Still later we heard it blew over about six trucks and several cars. Still later we heard it killed at least seven souls.
Posted by: Jack Hart | Friday, April 29, 2011 at 12:45 PM
What a chance, what a challenge.
Please have you all a good weekend ahead.
daily athens
Posted by: robert | Friday, April 29, 2011 at 08:14 PM