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Saturday, April 09, 2011


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Apple has got it going!

Gemma @ Greyscale

An amazing sight! Merchandising (and "packaging the desirable") can be a powerful tool!

Jane Mitchell

Vive Mac!


Awwww, that last guy in line is a "McMac" a rare breed indeed!
Must be Spring , there are all levels of early morning coats,vests and even shorts!


For sure! It WILL happen.


Your picture sure says a lot about modern society.

Suke Jakarta

The iGeneration, the Great job from Steve Job...
two thumbs up


Great reflection, and I don't mean only the picture : The picture actually made me think about this phenomena...

I don't get people waiting in line outside a building while they could order this piece of junk by internet and get it a few days or weeks of delay AND do something else with their life instead... Of course everyone can choose how to spend his time on earth, but this way... I don't get it, at all.

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