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Sunday, April 10, 2011


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Oh what a neshamah (soul) this child is! A girl full of grace, very blessed.
Thanks to you I now know who Jackie Evancho is. Let's hope we hear more of her and that she stays so pure and sweet.

Lynette Killam

I so enjoyed this visit! The house is lovely, nestled in those big trees, and I do hope the owners get to enjoy the shrine they've so lovingly set up.

Thank you, too, for posting the clip of young Jackie...she is amazing, indeed! This was just a wonderful way to start my Sunday...:)


What an interesting find indeed. And yes, the front yard is for sure a place which provides a kind of face for the home, maybe city as a whole.

May time and life continue to treat the owner kind. Please have a good new week ahead.

(Did explain the meaning and thoughts about the challenge on me site. Of great joy it would be to see you soon again.)

daily athens

Leif Hagen

Our whole family watched her every week on "America's Got Talent!" I love her voice - I wonder where she'll be 15 year from now?!

Great Ronald McDonald posting today, too!

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