Yeserday, we featured the Morton House in Hamilton Lakes. If you stand in their back yard and look southeast across Lake Euphemia, you will be looking at this structure. It is located in the common area of Hamilton Lakes where residents stroll and interact. From above, the rock and mortar structure has the appearance of an amphitheater. Surely, little children are convinced that trolls and fairies live in the grotto and, it must be an amazing place for teenagers to socialize. We'd love to know who built the stone structure AND who named the lake after the Great Martyr Euphemia (read about her here).
If you are local, you might be interested in knowing that "Hamilton Lakes is a large neighborhood park with over 60 acres of recreational opportunities. The natural wooded area is filled with trails, and has a stream and a playground on the northern end of the park" (GSO Parks & Rec). Bird watchers love this area year-round as it is reputed to have a wide variety of birds from Eastern Screech Owls to Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers. According to Denise Burnette of the Carolina Bird Club, spring is a great time to view neo-tropical migratory birds at Hamilton Lakes. Denise has written an informative article about the birding highlights of Hamilton Lakes (here).
By the Shores of Lake Euphemia..........
What a great hidden niche!
Posted by: Misfit | Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 08:02 AM
This place looks bewitching! Perfect for kids' imaginations, I'm sure.
Posted by: RamblingRound | Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 08:32 AM
IIRC, (local historian Taylor Doggett did the research) one of the Benjamins in the late 1800's had two daughters, one was named Euphemia and the other was named Hamilton. (I'm not sure about that latter part, but I'm pretty sure the Euphemia part is accurate.) It was late in a very pleasant evening when Taylor told the story so my memory is a little foggy.
Posted by: Preston Earle | Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 12:15 PM
A great use of stones. Fascinating.
Posted by: Dina | Saturday, April 02, 2011 at 06:45 AM