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Monday, March 07, 2011


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Gunn White

Yes, Happy Birthday! I liket the image of this yummy cake.And I liked what you wrote. I hope we all can get a "Jane" to follow the blog, and I am pleased about my followers too.

leif hagen

Great to have a blog friend like Jane! I think my similar local blog friend is named Allison!
Bon anniversaire, Jane! I wish I could snitch a piece of that cake....
Yummy phooto

Jane Mitchell

Wow! What else can I say to my champion blogger but "un GRAND merci."I shall, of course, send this to all who attended the celebration.

Magical Mystical Teacher

What a perfect tribute to Jane, the lover of all things French!


Hush, little baby, it’s no time to cry,
Mama will sing you a sweet lullaby—

A bright rainbow song on this darksome night,
A bright rainbow song that’s sure to delight:

Green are the pastures where flocks of sheep graze;
Grey and begrimed are the skies on fog-days.

Red is the color of sun going down;
Black is the smudge of a terrible frown.

Blue are the mountains that rise from the plain;
Shimmering golden the Kansas wheat-grain.

So many colors, my baby, my fair!
So many colors right here and right there!

But thinking of colors under the sun,
Yellow’s the brightest of all, little one!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher


I thought at first this was a Mardi Gras cake. :)
In any case, Happy Birthday Jane!

Mary Olson

Jane, Tucker, and Cindy: what a marvelous celebration! We had a lovely time and thank you for sharing Jane's birthday with all of her friends.

Manang Kim,USA

I noticed you haven't in the blogosphere for awhile. And yes the MYM has more of the Filipino crowd which makes it more fun to see different photos. Love your yellow cake and for Jane Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday, Jane. (Someone else is going to have to translate that into French.)

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